Check out this article and then read on.
This is not going where you think it is...
This is a warning not against materialism or a jab at a boxer's stewardship. It is a confession of my punch drunk thinking.
This article made me think of one thing: "Man, I wish he would've given that money to Bara!"
That is lame.
Yes, would $50k totally bless Bara Church big time right about now? Of course. But I believe that God desires to provide for us through people that know Kim and I and believe in us and Bara's vision. How much more biblical is it for people to give to the vision/need of the local church/church planter...being compelled only by the Holy Spirit as opposed to the church planter "wishing" for a boxer he's never met to send in a fat check?
God is using the Bara body to be His hands and feet in big, bold and beautiful ways. He knows our needs and he will provide at the exact time we need it.
I know it!
But if he wants to use you to help...praise God! In fact, here is a link for you to do just that.
And if you don't click that link above and give to Bara, I'm going to tell Floyd you think his iPod is girly, his hat is dumb, and Floyd is a stupid name!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Don't You Dare Laugh At This Guy's $50,000 iPod
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5:30 AM
Labels: Bara Church, Floyd Mayweather, iPod, money, Provision, stewardship
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pastors Aren't Superheroes
I know this article (below) was totally in jest but it got me to thinking about how western Christianity has pushed some pastors into a spotlight that was never meant to shine on them but rather on the one that sent them!
It reminds me of the scene in John 6:15 where the crowd wants to "force" Jesus to be king. Jesus doesn't let them. How he handles the situation is telling. He withdraws away from the crowds and gets alone and presses into his Father's presence.
Whenever we feel ourselves being pushed onto a throne that is not ours to occupy, we must go bow before the true King and come back to the people even more passionate about boasting of His kingdom and more mindful that it never has been about building our kingdom!
This week I worked a horrible suicide in my town and ministered to a crushed and confused family late into the night. Yesterday the fire chief praised and thanked me for my efforts. My reply was, "it's what we do."
I'm not the king of the kingdom.
I'm not the head of the church.
And I'm definitely not a superhero.
#325. The superhero guide to famous pastors. � Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff
Thursday, July 22, 2010
All Things To All Men or Just One Thing To All Men?
When Paul said he would literally change his approach attitude, and aim for the single, never changing purpose of saving just one person, he was on to something!
Unlock Your Inner Edison
The past few days, God has really been stirring my spirit to wade back out into the waters of innovation and creativity. Lately I've found the dry land of status quo quite disturbing at best and down right depressing at worst.
Facebook's Future and My Leadership
I just read a good article about Facebook's future here.
Posted by
7:12 AM
Labels: Facebook, future, Isaiah 40, Leadership, Luke 3:4-6, wilderness