Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Blogging Circut

Most every morning I follow the same routine once I arrive at work. It goes something like this:

Open laptop
Turn on desk lamp
Light candle
Look at
Look at

Then I begin my "blogging circut":

Kim's blog
Mike's blog
Grants blog
The Mighty Men's blog
The "blog of gut instinct" for the day (Greg's, BST's, Wade's, Larry's, Sam's, Scott's, Val's, Matt's)

I read several other blogs on a less regular basis.

Here is my "Top Ten" posts from the past two weeks:

10. Matt's Cool Factor part 1 (powerful, convicting)
9. Wade's Tombstone Exercise (you're killing me Wade - pun intended)
8. Mike's Angry Christians (I was angry at myself)
7. BST's Monday, May 2 (What a beautiful family!)
6. Val's Tuesday, April 26 post (amazing picture!)
5. Larry James' Oscar Romero (thoughts on sin gave me goosebumps)
4. Grant's Mass Hysteria (Props for "Popemobile"
3. Mike's Article on Megan from Christian Standard (tear jerker)
2. Kim's Tuesday, May 3rd post (simple, profound)
1. Greg's Baseball 2005 v. 1 (Your Best Blog Now)

I didn't take the time to make these links so you're on your own.

What is your "blogging circut"? What is your "Top Ten"?


Matt said...

Not sure I can come up with a top ten, but I've followed Wade's posts on the Emerging Church of Christ closely. I check in on Larry James when I need a missional kick in the pants, and I read a lot of Chris Gonzalez' blog.

Then there is my daily visit to Mike's site. I think of Mike as the alpha-blogge - our entire virtual community seems to spring from his writing.

Other frequent visits include (especially lately with Ep III on the way), Christianity Today, Relevant Magazine, Gamespot, and CM Central. When the weather's bad, I spend a lot of time at

(Of course, it goes without saying that I never miss a post here, either, bro!)

Unknown said...

Wow...I made the Top Ten?!? I feel honored...

As far as my own Top Ten, I use Bloglines to manage the RSS feeds for all my blog subscriptions, so every morning I just read the ones that have been updated. You should check it out!

Deana Nall said...

I'm glad to see Kim's on there, but I really think you and some of the other guys need to read more women's blogs! It's amazing what the sexes can learn from each other. Give it a try.